Congratulations to all school admission directors and staff and to all the parents and students who applied to schools during the 2020-21 admission season! After enduring endless hours attending virtual school tours and admission events
and after all the agonizing decisions that must be made in the process of choosing new students, schools are about to fill all of the seats in their schools and can look forward to a fresh start to a new school year in Fall 2021. Let's not forget to congratulate the IT teams at these schools for the amazing work they did to design new web pages and new tools so families could get to know the schools and discover the unique opportunities each offers. I think the virtual interviews went well for older students. Doing virtual assessments for preschool children was truly a challenge with little bodies jumping up and down in excitement or staring in silence at the computer screen. I'm not sure any of us have worked this hard in years with all of the Zoom meetings, but we made it through. The students I worked with are heading for schools that are truly a right fit for them, so I think the process worked as it always does. But I hope we never have to do this again!