
After all of the hard work of getting our students back into school and establishing a new normal under the cloud of the virus, we find our schools once again in the throes of indecision regarding in-school or virtual school learning. The argument against masks on preschoolers seems doomed to fail, so millions of little children will never know what their first teacher's face looked like, and teachers will not know what emotions were hiding under those smiley-face masks. The largest body of research among psychologists today is said to be on the subject of anxiety . I do not doubt it. I see fewer carefree and happy children these days than in years past. Four and five-year olds seem to have lost the spontaneity of childhood, the ready laughter and childlike wonder. They do not engage readily in play, and they seem to have acquired much less knowledge than their same age peers in prior years. Of course, my observations are not at all scientific, but they do correlate with current literature. So I urge parents to do all they can to stimulate their children by playing games, reading books that promote laughter and finding time to just be silly. There certainly is no time for that in school with social distancing. Three books I read some years ago come to mind: Einstein Never Used Flashcards, The Importance of Being Little and Becoming Brilliant offer parents the latest research on early childhood learning and ways to engage the mind and heart of the young child. Old truths are back in vogue: "The brain learns through play," and, "Learning is a social activity". If children can't play and be social at school, then they need to have this environment as much as possible at home. Look for ways to introduce fun and stay away from flashcards and worksheets. Family games teach strategies and vocabulary and number sense while having fun and building relationships. And these don't require face masks.

and after all the agonizing decisions that must be made in the process of choosing new students, schools are about to fill all of the seats in their schools and can look forward to a fresh start to a new school year in Fall 2021. Let's not forget to congratulate the IT teams at these schools for the amazing work they did to design new web pages and new tools so families could get to know the schools and discover the unique opportunities each offers. I think the virtual interviews went well for older students. Doing virtual assessments for preschool children was truly a challenge with little bodies jumping up and down in excitement or staring in silence at the computer screen. I'm not sure any of us have worked this hard in years with all of the Zoom meetings, but we made it through. The students I worked with are heading for schools that are truly a right fit for them, so I think the process worked as it always does. But I hope we never have to do this again!