To serve the varied needs of my clients, I keep not only an extensive current list of schools, but also lists of service providers - tutors to therapists, pediatricians to psychologists. The owners of The Clinic for Academic Therapy served a generation of students and then sold their practice to one of their valuable tutors, Stephanie Martin-Williams, M.Ed. Stephanie and I visited at her office last week about the range of services and the impressive experience her group offers children as well as adults. Stephanie and three other specialists provide academic support for a wide range of subjects as well as organizational and study skills, and more extensive literacy support for children who struggle with reading. Stephanie can administer basic diagnostic educational testing such as Wechsler IQ tests, the Woodcock-Johnson and assessment of focus and attention. For students who are applying to private schools and colleges, Houston Educational Services also provides test prep for the ISEE, the SAT and ACT. This group is located at 4545 Bissonnet.