On a recent tour of River Oaks Baptist School, I was able to focus on classrooms and support programs for K-4th grade. Much will change at ROBS this fall when the new middle school building will open. The entrance to the school will shift to the new building, and the lower school will add one more classroom per grade as it moves into space vacated by the middle school. ROBS continues to be one of Houston's most popular day schools due to its location, spacious and well-appointed campus, well-balanced curriculum, and long history of strong leadership. The admission efforts have historically sought a diverse student enrollment while balancing the large number of qualified applicants whose parents and grandparents attended the school. ROBS offers a rich academic program, a wide array of athletic teams and a broad fine arts program that will be integrated more vigorously by technology with the opening of the new middle school building. Leadership, friendship, character and service are important values emphasized in this faith-based school where parent involvement plays an important role in the community.