Parents are applying to private schools in record numbers. They are anxious about whether their neighborhood public elementary school can provide a solid foundation for their child’s education. Even the best Houston ISD magnet programs and Spring Branch ISD schools are slipping in the rankings due to crowded classrooms and huge budget cuts that impact enrichment and teacher salaries. Vanguard magnet schools have waiting lists up 2,000 students. Houston’s growth is not slowing down and private school applications for elementary grades are at all time highs.
A Consultation with SCHOOL SOLUTIONS can answer your questions such as whether public or private school would be better for your child, how the private school application process works, or the differences among types of private schools.
A Guidance Plan identifies a list of schools where your child has the potential to thrive.
A Placement Plan provides a right list of schools for your child and helps you navigate the complex, competitive admission process at private day schools. If desired, we support your applications to public magnet programs. The Consultant will engage with your child several times using surveys and games to determine interests and activities that are important in considering school choice.
SCHOOL SOLUTIONS has strong relationships with private day school admission directors who are happy to meet the families for whom we advocate. This is particularly important when a child has been diagnosed with a learning difference or for any other reason needs a change of schools at a non-entry point grade.
Nothing is more important than your child's education. SCHOOL SOLUTIONS in Houston, Texas, offers educational consulting services to help parents make the right choice for their child’s school. As an Educational Consultant and founder of SCHOOL SOLUTIONS in 2004, I have helped over 1000 students find the right fit at over 95 different Houston private and public schools, from preschools to high schools, including special needs schools.